Denver '96 : The Official Online Band Trip Photo Album

April 11-14, 1996

Welcome to my latest project, the Online Photo Album. I've created this so that many of the students who participated in our band trip could easily look back at the wonderful times they had.

-Christopher Tasler

A few people hurry to the bus
As (from left to right) Chris Tasler, Mary McWeeny, Chris Knudson, Brenda Birkland, Ruben Newell and Arkay King take time to take a picture, Julie Boehme, Craig Olson and Tracy Vote hurry to not miss the bus.
(Photo by Chris Tasler)
Mary strikes a pose
Brenda Birkland laughs as Mary McWeeny decides to strike a pose for the camera.
(Photo by Chris Tasler)
The world's biggest tuning fork
Chris Knudson and Ruben Newell admire a memorial, or, in our opinion, the world's biggest tuning fork, at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
(Photo by Chris Tasler)
Ruben and Arkay in the legendary
"Thank you, Ruben for helping us fix the soap dispenser. We really appreciate it." Don't worry, nothing really happenned, but it's a long story.
(Photo by Chris Tasler)

Ruben Newell shows off his talent as he creates a smiley face of M&M's on his tongue. Also, as usual, Chris Tasler attempts to sneak his way into the photo.
(Photo by Ruben Newell)

(From left to right) Brenda Birkland, Arkay King and Mary McWeeny try to tick off the authorities at the U.S. Air Force Academy. They were later taken into custody by military police and questioned, but were subsequently released. ;)
Photo by Ruben Newell

Brenda Birkland is amazed by the leaps and bounds camera technology has taken in the past few years.
(Photo by Ruben Newell)

In another attempt at the group photo above, Chris Tasler (in background) decides to pose down for the camera. Everyone else - (from left to right) Mary McWeeny, Chris Knudson, Brenda Birkland, Ruben Newell and Arkay King - still happily poses like normal.
(Photo by Ruben Newell)

(First row, from left to right) Jessie Lawman, Jana Keith, Lacey Foote, (second row, from left to right) Laura Pliner, Tiffany Lane and Sarah Pliner hang out outside of downtown Denver's 16th Street Mall.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

Jennifer Fields gets just a little too close to the camera.
(Photo by Ruben Newell)

Lacey Foote is having a little too much fun on a toy horse.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

(Clockwise from top) Sarah Pliner, Laura Pliner, Jessie Lawman, Lacey Foote and Mary McWeeny cool down on a huge rock during our tour of the Garden of the Gods.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

The stress gets to Ruben Newell (right) outside of the U.S. Mint. Meanwhile, Chris Knudson attempts to attract women with his awesome aviator sunglasses.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

(From left to right) Arkay King and Brenda Birkland hang out on the same rock used above at the Garden of the Gods.
(Photo by Arkay King)

Brenda Birkland hugs tightly her best friend in the world, her Garfield pillow.
(Photo by Arkay King)

(From left to right) Arkay King, Ruben Newell and Brenda Birkland decide to play the "Floating Head Game."
(Photo by Arkay King)

(From left to right) Matt Barker, Chris McKenny, Eric Newell and Chris Birkland stand in the doorway of their hotel room.
(Photo by Arkay King)

Mary McWeeny shows her best face as Brenda Birkland laughs and Chris Tasler sneaks into another picture.
(Photo by Arkay King)

A few short pictures about sleep...
(Photo by Arkay King)

(First row, from left to right) Brandon Moe, Mike Geisler, Heath Telleen and Craig Olson make themselves look huge, while (second row, from left to right) Jessica Beckley, Sarah Roberts, Lyndsey Spirek, Becky Johnson, Megan Towne and Alicia Woods smile for the camera.
(Photo by Chris Knudson)

You know those vortex thingies? Those things where you shoot your change down a ramp and watch it spin in circles until you never see it again? Well, (from left to right) Sarah Pliner, Eric Newell, Mary Mcweeny and Brenda Birkland have just been suckered by one of those vortices.
(Photo by Chris Knudson)

Arkay King gets down as the Casa Bonita mariachi band plays "Happy Birthday" for fellow band members Chris Knudson and Jessica Beckley (both not shown.)
(Photo by Mary McWeeny)

An outside picture of Casa Bonita, as taken by Mary McWeeny. And she hopes you appreciate it. She was nearly hit by a car three or four times while attempting to get this picture.
(Photo by Mary McWeeny)

Luke Streit gets lost in a growth of grass at the Garden of the Gods.
(Photo by Mary McWeeny)

Ruben Newell presents one of the chaperones with three dollars for finding a spork (one of the oldest of our running gags - all the way back to last fall) at a restaurant in Colorado Springs.
(Photo by Ruben Newell)

(From left to right) Chris Knudson, Arkay King and Ruben Newell hop down some steps in the shadow of the world's biggest tuning fork.
(Photo by Mary McWeeny)

Arkay King shows off her talents by pulling off the classic "see food" gag. Yeah, thanks, Arkay that's really... you...
(Photo by Kristin Mohr)

Mary McWeeny and Leah Honeyman get caught in double jeopardy. Not only are they trapped in one of those one-walled jails, but it's also torrentially snowing! Sounds like my idea of fun...
(Photo by Kristin Mohr)