Denver '96 : The Official Online Band Trip Photo Album
The "Arby's Incident"
Date: April 13, 1996
Time: Approximately 12:30
Place: An Arby's in Colorado Springs
First, a little about the area. For some odd reason, the bathrooms for
the Arby's were placed outside of the restaurant, right next to the
ordering display for the drive-thru window.
Ruben Newell, Chris Knudson, Brenda Birkland, Arkay King and I had just
eaten at the Arby's, and when we were through, Arkay and Brenda had to go
to the bathroom. They had washed their hands, but they found that the soap
dispenser was not totally secured to the wall, as we learned when they had
brought the soap dispenser out of the women's room with them. Ruben then
agreed to fix it, and he quickly restored the soap dispenser to its
original position. But Ruben thought it would be funny if they had a photo
to commemorate the moment. So Chris Knudson took a photo of Ruben, Arkay
and Brenda, but then a minivan pulled up to the drive-thru display, and as
Brenda walked out, Arkay did the most logical thing : SHE SLAMMED THE DOOR
Well, they were just going to wait for the minivan to pull out of the
way, when two more cars happened to pull up. Finally, Arkay gave up on
waiting for the cars to pull out, so she opened the door, and I got the
picture shown above. Then, after they both had exited the room, Arkay said,
in a monotone voice loud enough for the people in the cars to hear, "Thank
you, Ruben, for helping us fix the soap dispenser. We really appreciate
it." We all then laughed and went on with our day, but we knew this would
be one of the highlights of the trip.
-Christopher Tasler