Denver '96 : The Official Online Band Trip Photo Album
"Colorado Sleeping Sickness"
Apparently, the band trip was just too exhausting for some of our band
members, as these following photos show...

Chris Knudson succumbs to exhaustion.
(Photo by Arkay King)

Mary McWeeny falls into a deep sleep. We can't tell, unfortunately, if
there's a big gob of spit coming from the corner of her mouth.
(Photo by Arkay King)

Ryan Moe and Mindi Hanna pass out.
(Photo by Arkay King)

(From left to right) Ryan Moe and Matt Knudson fall asleep. I assume Ryan
wasn't all that excited by the band trip, but I'm not going to ask why Matt
has his head on Ryan's shoulder...
(Photo by Arkay King)

Luke Streit peacefully dozes.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

Sarah Pliner takes a trip into dreamland.
(Photo by Sarah and Laura Pliner)

Ruben Newell calls it a night... or a day... or afternoon... well, he calls
it something...
(Photo by Mary McWeeny)
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