Sam & Max : Freelance Police - SOUNDS!!! |
NOTE: All files are in .wav format. |
crackup.wav - Sam's trademark phrase on the show - "You crack me up, little buddy!" (19k)
defeated.wav - Max explains the downfall of the Uglions to Geek. (152k)
donttry.wav - Sam gives an obligatory disclaimer. (53k)
Gary's battle cry - "This is what I think you are!" - as said by:
granny.wav - Sam remembers some words of wisdom... (83k)
handling.wav - The boys take umbrage at how the Uglions handle Geek. (70k)
maxrecap.wav - Max describes the exciting battle between he and Sam versus the Mad Thespian. (103k)
peanuts.wav -The boys discuss how to get rid of Lorne, the Friend For Life. (145k)
readymax.wav - Sam and Max prepare for ACTION!!! (48k)
relation.wav - Max gets all warm and squishy. (84k)
sciopath.wav - Max admires the Mad Thespian's fashion sense. (80k)
symbiotc.wav - The boys discuss their plans for Gary. (96k)
tippy.wav - Max misses Gary's beastly creation. (66k)
turtle.wav - The boys learn of Gary's special power. (85k)
turtle2.wav - Max gets ticked when Gary turns Sam into a pinata horse. (109k)
unctious.wav - The boys take an oath. (59k)